
Showing posts from April, 2020

Mentally Hungry

INGLEWOOD, CA - Food insecurity is a serious issue that surrounds college students around the country face. The CSUN Women's Center director, Shira Brown, says that s pecifically in the CSU system, two out of every five college students are worried about where they are going to get their next meal. Brown further explains that a hungry student leads to a more depressed and mentally exhausted student. Lisette Perez by Giselle Vazquez, 2020 Lisette Perez is a college senior who is struggling with food insecurity as well as her mental health. She is currently juggling being a full-time business student and working two full-time jobs. 8 0% of students who are eligible for CalFresh did not use the benefits and many of these students know what the program is. Basic need insecurity and food insecurity overlap heavily and 40% of students say they are facing both problems simultaneously. Lisette is living in a small studio apartment in Inglewood, California in order to be